Saturday, March 13, 2010

a post that has been lingering for a while

'sometimes imagination is the only thing we can free. and sometimes we forget to let it go.' i remember scribbling this a few years ago in one of those little sketchbooks i have beside my bed, at about 2am when everyone was asleep and the world was quiet.

i've been thinking lately about where littlemiso is leading me, because it's all been happening so quickly. i've made over 450 jewellery pieces since October, participated in three design markets, illustrated, printed and hand packaged endless amounts of cards, wrapping paper rolls and illustration prints, delivered products to four retailers around the world, been featured in two newspapers, travelled for three weeks around asia... while maintaining a full time job. 

it's definitely amazing and exciting to think about what will come in the future, but i have decided to cut down the hours i spend on designing jewellery - and focus on drawing and illustration. my passion for drawing is where it all started - and these few months i haven't had the time to really sit down and freely draw something, without thinking or caring about the outcome or time spent, just purely drawing

i think it's the hardest to be creative when you try to live up to expectations, especially when those expectations are set by yourself. 

anyway i thought i'd just put my thoughts out there, incase someone wonders where the jewellery all went! this isn't to say i won't be doing any more, because i do love making things, but i'm just taking breather.



  1. well, whatever you choose to do, I'm sure it'll be brilliant :) I am so glad to have such creative souls around me, you are definitely an inspiration ms janice law!

  2. i quite like your jewellery, although your illustration is very lovely as well!
    you are very talented,

  3. thanks for your supportive thoughts sheryl and just b. it makes me very happy! :)
