Monday, May 17, 2010

or is this...

better? what do you think?


  1. just beautiful! the necklace and the photography.
    eli. x.

  2. The jewellery looks great and it's a beautiful photograph.

  3. Both are beautiful!
    I recieved the ring you sent me and I love it!
    I also did I post on your stuff oover at my blog if youw would like to check it out!
    Thankyou again, xx

  4. Janice!! you have to teach me how to do photography, I'm so lame when it comes to product shots.

  5. sheryl - your product shots are lovely! i like the vintage backdrops, dont where you find them all from!
    i actually have my camera on auto, and just punch in some contrast and colours after to my liking :)
    this shot was taken in my backyard, with one hand clutching the necklaces and the other holding the camera. while standing on a chair, because i wanted to hang them on the neighbours trees :P
